


















A personalised 1:1 strategy and coaching package to elevate your leadership and people management skills


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Hey, are some of these coming up for you?   

Struggling with effective communication - communicating can be tough, it can lead to misunderstandings, decreased connection, and reduced productivity. Not what we need. 

Feeling overwhelmed by leadership challenges - leading can be isolating, with high stakes contributing to stress and decision fatigue. Yeah, we don’t want more of that.

Uncertain about decision making - hesitation in decision making can stall progress and create missed opportunities, and gosh, it can feel like a lot of pressure. 

Team connection and engagement feeling low - low team morale and underperformance can spiral into high turnover, frustration, and big problems. Not something to leave unchecked. 

Needing tailored development support - without continuous development, leaders risk stagnation and becoming out of touch in the quick changing world of work. Development shouldn’t be left to chance.

These are challenges so many Leaders face and you don’t need to try and push through it alone.

The Round Table is designed specifically for you to work through whatever challenge is taking up the most energy and space in your brain right now.


 Pulling up a chair to the table will see you:

→ Enhance your clarity and influence to motivate and lead your team more effectively.

→ Address challenges head on to give you confidence and re-energise your joy for leadership.

→ Gain clear direction that aligns your decisions with your leadership goals and team needs, driving better outcomes.

→ Identify and resolve underlying issues that foster a motivated and productive team.

→ Implement sustainable practices that create ongoing growth, keeping you and your team competitive and successful.

Book A Seat

The Round Table is the perfect spot for you..

If you need to build your leadership and people management skills and you need it now.

If you’re a seasoned executive, business owner, manager, or about to lead people - this 1 to 1 coaching session is tailored specifically to what you need with a clear action plan to implement and create change.


What you get when you pull up a chair:


✔️  A 75 minute 1:1 coaching call to go through the key challenges and opportunities you’re facing - we’ll talk through it all!

 ✔️ A clear action plan for you to move forward with so you know exactly what you’re doing and why.

✔️  A detailed audit into your leadership skills to see where you are, and where you want to get to. 

✔️  Two weeks of ongoing support to keep you accountable to your plan and work through any challenges that come up in real time. A coach in your pocket!


Bring your challenge, let’s deep dive into it, create a personlised action plan, and walk away with a solution + a coach in your pocket.


Why work with an external People Leadership Coach?

Sometimes, the challenge you’re facing is tricky to talk about with your boss or peer, or you want someone objective who isn’t involved in the same day to day that you are - this is where having an external coach is one of the best things to have in your toolkit.

So many of my clients work with me because they want someone objective, skilled, and able to properly coach them so they can move forward with clarity, confidence, and an action plan.

That’s what I’m here to give you.

Exactly what you need so you can build your leadership skills and confidently Lead your people.


The Round Table will work for you if you are:


A People Leader

You’re leading people, or you’re about to and you need to work through challenges that are holding you back. No matter the industry, position, or context - this is for you.


Growth Focused

You know things need to change in order to create better results and you’re ready for it. You are open to being challenged and to shift your perspectives.



You want more, you want better, you want to be a great Leader. You want to do it all well and you want to do it in a way that is sustainable, enjoyable, and fulfilling.

This won’t work for you if you aren’t:

Willing to change

What you’re doing or how you think in order to create different outcomes and results. Leading successfully is being willing to be wrong in order to get it right. 


Open to experimenting

And trying things out to see how they work, leadership is about experimenting and testing to find the best solutions.

Patient and willing to play the long game

Leading people isn’t a quick win or quick game. It takes time, energy, and investment to be a great Leader and to build great teams.

So, What are you waiting for? Book a seat at the round table!

Hey, I'm Tash Pieterse.

An Internationally Certified People Leadership Coach with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management, majoring in Human Resources and Strategic Management, Dare to Lead Trained, Riders & Elephants Leadership Certified, and have a Diploma in Positive Psychology. It sounds like a lot doesn’t it!

In addition to University - I have a 13+ year corporate career in Human Resources that spanned across public, private and membership organisations. I have also built a thriving coaching practice since 2019.

Not only from my own overwhelming, exhausting, and self-doubt filled experience navigating my career up to People & Performance Manager - I have been coaching professionals and seeing the gaps in the essential skills senior and emerging leaders are lacking, which needs to change.

I have taken everything from my career and what I’ve learned coaching my private clients and pulled it together into everything I do as a coach and created this offer to make it accessible to those who need it the most.

I also bring the realities of a full life being a wife, mother to a toddler son, and practicing my own leadership mindset and boundaries to my coaching work which helps me see each person for where they are and empower them from there.

I know what it’s like to have A LOT going on while also trying to master my leadership skills, create connections, build strong teams, and achieve great results.

It’s all welcomed and supported here.



The Round Table Pricing


✔️ Deep dive audit
✔️ Personalised audit review
✔️ 75 min coaching call
✔️ Two weeks of ongoing coaching support

Pay In Full


NZD (Includes GST)

pay in full

2 x Monthly Payments


NZD (Includes GST)

pay in two
What people say about working with Tash

“Before my first session with Tash I was feeling very overwhelmed with a lot of changes happening in my life all at once.

Along with doubting myself in my relationships and my career I was also facing some big decisions I had to make that were impossible for me to focus on while feeling so overwhelmed with everything else.

Tash helped me to sort my thoughts and within 3 weeks of my first session, I started seeing incredible changes in my life! I noticed my mindset changing to the point that I was almost entirely thinking positively and, therefore, started noticing more positive things appearing in my life.

If you are hesitating about spending the money just like I was - let me tell you that you will have no regrets."

Jose, Business Owner

“In early 2022 Tash provided leadership coaching. This comprised of a 3-month program with regular catchups. Some of the key results from going through the program were:

Establishing a new vision for the team I manage,
Identifying and creating solutions to my current challenges
With the support of the organisation I was able to have my responsibilities adjusted.

By going through the coaching, I feel I am now more focused, more effective and my job satisfaction has increased significantly, so I highly recommend Tash's leadership coaching.”

Paul, Chief Technology Officer

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