Resources Library

A range of resources to help you master your leadership skills.  



Which iconic movie character best represents your leadership style? 

Every leader has a unique style that sets them apart. Dive deeper into understanding your strengths and areas for growth, and see how you can develop and become a Leader people actually want to follow.

In just a few minutes, you'll get personalised insights into your leadership style, strengths, areas for growth, and suggestions for developing your skills.

Take the Quiz

What Leader Are You?

Learn how you're currently leading so you can find out where you can develop your value, influence, and impact to become an effective and successful Leader.

In just a few minutes, you'll get personalised insights into your leadership level, strengths, areas for growth, and suggestions for developing your skills.

Take the Quiz

1:1 Employee Catch Up Template

This template is for you to copy and paste into a document and use with your team.

Catch ups are most useful when they are action oriented and coaching focused - set everyone up for success to achieve the best results.

1:1 catch ups need to be focused on the individuals experience, growth and development so they can be the best they can be.

Get the template now

Minimal Viable Planning (MVP) template

This resource is created to help you navigate life's unpredictable tides with confidence, enabling you to identify and focus on your most critical tasks and create a life of balance and intention.

Create a plan for when life and work throws curve balls so you know ahead of time what truly matters & how you're going to show up for it.

Get the template now

Strategically Plan for Clarity, Confidence & Energy

You might be juggling a high-impact career, family life, and personal ambitions and wondering how to make it work without sacrificing the things that are most important to you.

What it comes down to, is making choices that resonate with who YOU are and what you truly want to achieve. It's about redefining success on your terms.

That's what this guide is going to help you to do.

Get the template now



A community for Leaders who want to connect, grow, and Lead with courage and confidence into the future.

The Leaders Lounge is a membership and monthly coaching club for anyone who leads people, whether that’s a business, team, community group, or school - looking to connect, grow, and step up as a Leader.

This is a peer to peer coaching and collaboration community so having people leadership experience will ensure that people can relate and connect purposefully. 

Doors open every quarter, so pop your name on the interest list if you're interested!


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A personalised 1:1 strategy and coaching package to elevate your leadership and people management skills.

Go further with 1:1 support to work through a specific challenge you’re currently facing as a leader. Whether that’s something coming up in your team, in your peer group, or personally with yourself - we can dive into it and get you moving forward. 

It's more than a one off session - its 2 weeks support with an audit of your leadership skills, an in depth 1:1 session and 2 weeks ongoing support. 

Perfect for you if you are ready for 1:1 support but not ready for a full coaching series.  

Find out more

V.I.P Leaders 

My signature 12 week group programme intentionally designed to empower you to embody the three pillars of effective leadership - vision, impact, people.

This programme will help you excel in leadership roles with confidence, clarity, and courage, enabling you to build a legacy of leadership that people want to follow.

Even if you're not leading people formally - this programme will give you want you need to Lead in any situation.

Join the interest list for the next round or reach out to me for information to send to your employer. 

Register Your Interest for the next round

Become a more inspiring and effective leader with one-on-one Leadership Coaching

A 3 month coaching series that is completely bespoke to you and what you want to work on to build your confidence, skills, and impact as a Leader.

You will receive unlimited support in between coaching sessions, relevant resources, and access to training materials, workshops or events during your series.

We cover it all in here. Work, personal - all of it. Because Leadership isn't only about who you are at work, it's about who you are in life.

This is by application, so read more and apply if it sounds like what you need!

Find out more

Not sure what's the best option for you?

Reach out to Tash to chat more about your situation and decide which option will give you the support and coaching you need.

Reach out at [email protected].