Welcome to The Leaders Lounge


A community for Leaders who want to connect, grow, and Lead with courage and confidence into the future. 


Join as a founding member


Welcome to The Leaders Lounge


A community for Leaders who want to connect, grow, and Lead with courage and confidence into the future. 


Join as a founding member

Imagine a one stop community space that is tailored to you, as a People Leader.

A blend of mastermind sessions, live coaching, community support, and a whole lot of fun.

A place where you...

Engage in great discussions, sharing ideas and different strategies, and connect with people who understand exactly where you’re at.

Experience real connection in a safe, trusted space where you can openly discuss your challenges and wins with fellow leaders who are on the same journey.

→ Access thought provoking monthly learning materials directly at your fingertips. No need to search – we bring the latest in leadership development to you

→ Participate in monthly coaching calls to learn, grow, and be challenged to broaden your perspective, build your skills, and peer coach your fellow community - I mean, how cool?!

That’s what you’ll get in The Leaders Lounge.

The place for you to pull up the metaphorical chair, sip on your cuppa, and come together with other People Leaders to create connections, challenge each other, and courageously tackle whatever comes your way.

Ready to join?!

I created the Leaders Lounge because I understand how you feel…

You often feel isolated, bearing the weight of your responsibilities, team, and more, feeling like you're navigating it all alone.

→ You love working the hybrid model, but find yourself missing the rich networking and learning opportunities you once had. You crave more connection.

→ You love learning and staying ahead with the latest ideas and trends, but it's tough when training sessions are pricey or hard to come by. Plus, finding the time for it all? That's another story.

→ Give your teams the push and encouragement to develop themselves to stay ahead of the game, but don’t give yourself the same, which by the way - you deserve!

And, what does all of this cause?

Stagnation - here’s the deal, when you’re not growing and stretching, you’re stagnating. You need to create and prioritise the time and space for growth.

→ Disconnection - Leadership is lonely, even when everything is going well, and there aren’t many people for you to connect and be real with. You need connection, it fuels your inspiration. 

→ Self doubt - self doubt is sneaky, it’s not always loud and noticeable, sometimes it shows up in the smallest of ways which can impact your courage and influence. Community quietens self doubt.


Sounds familiar? Then, the Leaders Lounge is for YOU. 

Whether you’re a business owner, manager, principal, or coach.

If you lead, this is for you.


As part of The Leaders Lounge, you’ll get:

Learning and Growth

Each month a new topic will be explored through a recorded masterclass, private podcast, or article that will be the focus of discussion and coaching as a community.

Members will vote on the most pressing topic so it’s relevant in real time. The key is practical action and implementation to create actual change.

Live Coaching

A monthly live coaching call where we dissect and apply the latest topics and actions.

These sessions are designed for peer to peer coaching and interaction, where everyone gets to share, contribute, learn, and grow together.

Weekly Q&A

Every week, a Q&A thread will be opened up for you to ask any and all questions to me, the facilitator or anyone else in the community to help you work through whatever is going on for you.

You don’t have to wait until the live coaching call, you can do this weekly (or even daily, whenever!) that’s the beauty of a community group, support is just a few taps away!


Every quarter you will access a new 5-10 day challenge that will inspire you on your Leadership journey.

Challenges create excitement, motivation, and connection which can be lost in the day to day humdrum - so every quarter we'll dive into a new challenge!

Community Connection

The community will be held on a secure platform that will be a trusted and safe space for you to show up honestly and openly.

There will be regular meetups and events for us to connect so that you get to know each other at a deeper level.

Resource Library

Access to the ever growing resource library that you can tune into anytime, any place, as you need it.

Every time a new resource is shared, it will be kept in the library for access. Anyone has the ability to share resources as well, so this will grow based on community input as well.

As a People Leader,
joining The Leaders Lounge will enable you to:

Stand strong in your values - you choose what's right over what's easy

✔️ Believe in yourself and what you bring to the table - you speak up and take up space

✔️ Make a bigger impact and empower others - you're respected and trusted by your peers

✔️ Have the courage to do the hard things - you do what's necessary, always

✔️ Influence change and progress in an authentic way - you don't change who you are for what you want; and,

✔️ Build an enjoyable, connected, and sustainable career - one that brings you joy.


The Leaders Lounge Is for me
The truth is, doing it alone in Leadership is not meant to be the norm.

Do your current colleagues or peer groups truly allow for open, honest, challenging growth?
Often, they don’t

That’s what motivated me to create The Leaders Lounge.

The monthly coaching club for Leaders.

Where you will get:

Learning & Growth

Strengthen your skills and knowledge from monthly learning topics, hearing from, and getting coached by your fellow Leaders

Trust & Safety

A connected, social media free space where you can candidly share, bounce around ideas, and recognise the value that everyone (including you) adds!

Community Connection

Enjoy the fun that comes from a connected community of People Leaders who are all travelling the same road as you, rediscovering the joy of leadership.

Because you need more than just education and training.

You need a space with coaching and peer mastermind elements -

A space where you can ACTUALLY share, connect and learn from each other. Not just from one person.


The truth is, I am also looking for this space for me.

Many Leaders have shared their feelings with me, and I’ve felt them bubbling up inside of me, too.

Being a business owner, who also works from home, and a mum to a toddler can be a lonely, hard, and often ‘pull your hair out’ time - and I want to be part of a connected space.

I’ve been a leader for a long time, and I still don’t see enough spaces where leaders can TRULY be themselves and share what’s on their minds and hearts.

That’s what I offer through The Leaders Lounge.

A space where not only am I coaching and leading, but the whole community leads and coaches together.

Where every single one of you feels seen, heard, valued, and acknowledged for what you do, how you think, and why you do it all.

My commitment is not just to lead but also to learn alongside you. That’s what leadership is all about, isn't’ it?!

The Leaders Lounge is the monthly coaching club for People Leaders to come together to connect, grow, and courageously Lead into the future.

If you want a cosy spot where all of you is welcomed, embraced, and accepted PLUS you want to be challenged to grow - join The Leaders Lounge.


You will get the most out of The Leaders Lounge if you are:


You’re leading people and want a space where you can talk about everything and anything related to people leadership.

No matter the industry, position, or context - if you want to connect and grow, this is for you.


You’re committed to building your leadership skills and closing critical gaps.

You understand that growth involves challenging your perspectives and ideas.

You’re ready to challenge it all so you can be at the leading edge.


Connection is the core value of this club and it’s what needs to be prioritised by every single member.

If you’re into building meaningful connections within a professional community - this is for you.


You aren’t here to play small.

You’re ready to challenge the status quo and lead courageously into the future and create change in an empowering way.

This spot is not for you if: 

You aren’t willing to be open, honest, and share in order to create connection and contribute to a collaborative growth environment.

You aren’t willing to open your thinking and productively challenge yourself and others in order grow and learn.

You aren’t in a people leadership position or don’t have experience leading people - as this is one of the key connection and learning points of this membership.

What people say about working with Tash:

Now, it's fair to say that as someone in their 40's who's been in leadership positions since their 20's, it does feel a little odd to broadcast that I hired someone to coach me in life and leadership.
Some might say I should have figured those two things out by now. I may have said that to myself once or twice. But ego aside...

Tash has a way of making the vulnerable easy to talk through and work through to get clarity and conviction. Our work together had a structure tailored to what I was looking for (which Tash helped me elicit) but also had flexibility to adjust as we worked together.
Working with Tash levelled me up in a number of ways in both my personal and professional life.

If world class athletes have coaches, then I reckon if you want to be a world class leader or live a world class life, then you probably should too. And Tash is a world class coach."

Alex, CEO & Futurist

“I cannot recommend coaching with Tash enough! You have to be open to the issues that you have been struggling with and once you work with Tash to identify the crux of things, it’s so rewarding to see them change.

Looking back to where I was at the start of my journey (negative, doubting myself and not feeling good enough), I would never imagined that I would be where I am now, positive, confident in who I am, living a life of intention, thriving in a career I absolutely love and working with such great and understanding people.

Tash created a space for me to truly be myself which has allowed me to be the best version of myself!”

Ashlee, Head of HR

The Leaders Lounge with Tash Pieterse

Kia ora, Hey, I’m Tash Pieterse.

An Internationally Certified People Leadership Coach with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management majoring in Human Resources and Strategic Management, Dare to Lead Trained, Riders & Elephants Leadership Certified, and have a Diploma in Positive Psychology. It sounds like a lot doesn’t it!

In addition to my university education, I have a 13+ year corporate career in human resources and I've since built a thriving coaching practice.

Not only from my own overwhelming, exhausting, and self-doubt filled experience working up to People & Performance Manager - I have been coaching professionals and seeing the gaps in the spaces where people leaders can genuinely connect to feel seen and heard.

I have taken everything from my own experience and my career to create this space that I know is so desperately needed.

I also bring the realities of a full life being a wife, mother to a toddler son, and being a Leader to my coaching work which helps me see each person for where they are and empower them.

I know what it’s like to have A LOT going on while also trying to be a greater Leader.

All of YOU is welcomed and supported here. Every month, together we’ll become stronger, more courageous Leaders who lead into the future. 



Minimum three month membership - this helps to create trust and safety as a group when you join.

The doors will open every quarter.


Pricing will increase to $55p/m from 1 October.

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NZD (GST Inclusive)

Pay monthly.

Pay Monthly

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NZD (GST Inclusive)

Pay for 3 months at once.


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NZD (GST Inclusive)

Pay for 6 months.
Easy for company approval

Pay for 6 months

The doors are opening for the first time on 16 September 2024.

If you want the founding members' price, join now!  

You'll stay at this rate for as long as you stay with the Leaders Lounge - no matter how the prices change in the future. Your membership will auto-renew every month (or three months) until such time as you cancel it.

The first cohort officially starts on 1 October 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Here is a list of questions that you might have about Leaders Lounge before you decide to join.

If you have more questions that you want to ask - please email Tash at [email protected]