Most graduates aren't prepared for the real world - let's change that with Thriving New Professionals.

The programme for organisations who are ready to invest in their graduates and new professionals with the foundational skills to succeed in their careers.

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For most of my career, I found myself burning out, tired, overworking and lacking self-confidence...

And I was not alone.

One of the biggest gaps I experienced (and others do to) is that university has not prepared us with the skills needed to thrive in a career from the get-go.

Sure the technical and theory skills may be covered, but it's the soft skills that are missing.

The skills that help people show up as their best selves and build self confidence.

These skills include:

  • Learning how to navigate tough conversations

  • Developing a growth mindset

  • Being able to take on feedback positively

  • Developing a wellbeing and resilience practice so they can move through any challenge

  • Having strong values and a career vision.

It's these skills that create happy, confident employees which is why I created Thriving New Professionals.

Thriving New Professionals is a 6-week online group coaching programme for new professionals in their first 1-4 years that bridges the gap between academic study and supports them to excel in the professional world. 

This programme is not all technical and theory. It's interactive and practical programme and is based on the Thriving Career Framework.

The idea is that when a participant can optimise their energy, identify their values, cultivate self-belief and act courageously they will make a bigger impact in their roles and on the business.

130+ professionals have completed this programme and rated it 4.5 / 5 for quality and usefulness.

It's unique and the only one of it's kind, join the organisations who are setting their graduates and new professionals up with everything they need to be successful.

The key outcomes of the programme that individuals will walk away with:

Stronger personal identity and self-leadership to show up fully at work and give their best in everything that they do

A growth mindset and deep self-confidence that enables them to seek out new opportunities, learning and feedback to deliver great work.

Tools and strategies to navigate courageous conversations in order to move through anything that comes their way.

Ability to seek out and receive feedback as a method of development rather than an internalised negative impact

Complete ownership of their wellbeing and the tools to build strong resilience to manage expanding responsibilities and overcome any challenges that come their way.

Clarity on their strengths, career purpose & WHY with steps to continue growing and developing.

The key outcomes of the programme that individuals will walk away with:

Stronger personal identity and self-leadership to show up fully at work and give their best in everything that they do

A growth mindset and deep self-confidence that enables them to seek out new opportunities, learning and feedback to deliver great work.

Tools and strategies to navigate courageous conversations in order to move through anything that comes their way.

Ability to seek out and receive feedback as a method of development rather than an internalised negative impact

Complete ownership of their wellbeing and the tools to build strong resilience to manage expanding responsibilities and overcome any challenges that come their way.

Clarity on their strengths and career purpose with steps to continue growing and developing.

Thriving New Professionals is designed to support and empower new professionals to step into their self leadership so they can hit the ground running in their career and move from strength to strength.

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Amelia, Government Organisation

"For the first time ever, actually taking the time to really think about all of these topics to get a better understanding about them and wheere I sit within each. Then I was able to come to realisations about not needing to waste energy in certain places and using that excess energy in other places. Tash had more knowledge that I could have ever imagined and just a very open mind to all of our answers, considering why we may think these things and then also feedback on how we can grow and change these ways of thinking. I wwish it could have been longer!"

Izzy, Government Organisation

"I think the TNP course is excellent! I found all of the content to be really useful and perfectly aligned to where I'm at in my early career jourey. I found the format of TNP to be well structured. I really enjoyed working through the content and modules independently and then coming back as a cohort to reflect and dive deeper into the topic as a group. 

Thank you Tash! I'm so grateful I had the opportunity to participate in TNP. I've learnt so much on the 6 week journey and I'm really excited to continue putting these learnings into my every day practice! Honestly, this training has been a real game changer for me!" 

Tracey Walsh
Senior Advisor HR, Programmes - Kainga Ora, Homes and Communities

"We're proud to offer the Thriving New Professional online coaching programme to Kainga Ora graduates. The programme supports our new cohort of graduates transition from academic study to thriving in the world of mahi and is a key component of our induction programme. 

Tash provides graduates with the tools to take accountability and responsibility of their career growth. Through Thriving New Professionals, graduates develop greater self-confidence to seek out new opportunities, learning and feedback to deliver great work and give their best in everything they do. 

The programme sets our graduates up for success and I believe it is a valuable programme for any early career professional starting out on their career journey."

How will the key outcomes benefit the organisation?  

⚡ Higher productivity and efficiency in delivering work due to solid confidence in their skills and capabilities

⚡ Less absenteeism and leave usage due to better management of personal wellbeing and resilience

⚡ Increased engagement and reduced risk in turnover due to feeling supported and encouraged in their personal and professional development

⚡ Increased innovation, collaboration, and learning due to a stronger growth mindset and utilisation of feedback

What we cover in Thriving New Professionals

Module One

Identity, Vision & Values

Reflect and anchor into who they really are, the vision they are working towards, and what’s really important to them. This is the key to being the best in work and being their true self.

Module Two

Mindset & Confidence

Mindset defines everything. This week they'll learn how to master their mindset and side step imposter syndrome so they can deliver their best work and seek out more opportunities to learn and grow.

Module Three

Feedback & Courageous Conversations

This week they will realise the power of feedback and learn how to seek it out and make the most of it when it's received. Their ability to confidently navigate any conversation will change the whole game, they’ll walk away knowing exactly how to do this.

Module Four

Wellbeing & Resilience

Wellbeing and resilience is the make or break of a thriving and successful career. In this module they will map out their cycle of success with key practices that will strengthen their wellbeing and resilience so they thrive no matter what comes their way.

Module Five

Career Purpose & WHY

This week is all about uncovering their core strengths and how they want to contribute to the world through their work. They will articulate their career WHY and create a development to continue growing.

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What will individuals walk away with in addition to their learnings?


When individuals are confident they live into ALL that they are, they value themselves, and give their best in what you do.

No more doubt, anxiety, overwhelm, and sabotaging behaviour keeping them small!


There's no more confusion! They KNOW who they are, what they have to offer, what they're here to do.

They are CLEAR and are moving FORWARD!


They'll know more about themselves which will give them even more awareness to learn more about what's going on around them.

Self-awareness is the key to success in every way that matters!


No matter what comes their way, they'll have the tools, confidence, and capacity to move through it.

Their wellbeing will be on point which will keep them fit for work and life!

Dylan, Government Organisation

“I found the best part of the programme was the coaching calls where we able to ask questions about the module and workbook content and hear what my peers thoughts. Getting well articulated answers from the workbook feedback and the coaching calls really helped to wrap the content up and helped me to apply it in my day to day.”

Nathan, Government Organisation

"I loved the overall content and coaching calls. I was a bit hesitant before this course on what this could offer me but I'm really grateful that I have done the TNP course. It has given me a profound understanding of my identity and my why for my career. I'm sure the skills and knowledge learnt in this course will assist me with not only having a successful career but a balanced and fulfilling life." 

The Thriving New Professionals' Difference

Hi, I’m Tash Pieterse. An Internationally People Leadership Coach with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management majoring in Human Resources and Strategic Management, and a Diploma in Positive Psychology.

In addition to University - I have a 13+ year corporate career in Human Resources that spanned across public, private and membership organisations. I have also built a thriving coaching practice since 2019.

Not only from my own overwhelming, terrifying and completely under prepared experience stepping from the university lecture theatre into the corporate world - I have been coaching professionals and seeing the ongoing and lasting impacts of not starting a career with the solid foundations to thrive.

I have taken everything from my career and what I’ve learned coaching my private clients and pulled it together into this practical, transformational and results driven coaching programme.

I believe every single individual has absolutely everything they need to succeed in whatever they choose to do - it’s my mission and job to help them uncover it and step fully into it.

Thriving New Professionals is designed to empower individuals to step into their own confidence, clarity, courage and growth and build a career that is meaningful to them and that supports companies in delivering great services.

I am here to see people thrive and I won’t stop until every new professional receives the tools to do exactly that.

Come join me!

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What participants receive


⚡ 5 live group coaching calls to work through each module (the first call is a welcome call for the 6 week programme)

⚡ Learning modules and reflective workbooks to put into place practical actions to apply their learnings

⚡ Personalised and tailored coaching and feedback for each workbook provided by the Coach

⚡ Ongoing mentoring and support can be arranged for individuals

Time investment


⚡ 5 x 60minutes for weekly coaching calls (the welcome call is 30mins)

⚡ 1 - 1.5 hours per week to complete the learning modules and workbooks

Financial investment

 $695 + GST per participant

Invest in your new professionals so they have the foundational tools to thrive as the best version of themselves!


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When you register your company’s interest I will book in a time for us to talk more about the programme and go from there. I look forward to connecting with you!