Get Your Strategic Planning Guide

This template is for you to strategically plan for clarity, confidence, and energy so that you can define how you want to experience your life.

It is tailored specifically to remind you that you are the creator of your life.

This practice emphasises three key areas




By working through this guide, you will be able to deeply reflect on how you want to feel, identify and shift unhelpful mindsets, and take small, consistent actions to embody your desired emotions and mindsets

What You Can Expect With This Guide

Gain clarity on your personal and professional goals, aligning your actions with your deepest values.
Boost your confidence by mastering the art of making intentional choices that resonate with your true self.
Infuse your daily life with energy,
focusing on what truly matters and discarding the unnecessary.

Why You'll Love This Guide

You will discover how mapping out a plan not only shapes your goals but also influences the decisions you make.  This practice focuses on navigating life's unpredictable challenges with a strategic mindset.  It emphasises aligning emotions, mindset, and actions to create a life of intention and success. 

This resource is perfect for professionals striving to balance their busy lives without sacrificing their well-being.

Set yourself up for success in a way that is aligned with your emotions, mindset and actions.

Download Your Free Strategic Planning Guide and Template Now.

This template is a supplement to my Lead with Less podcast episode on Strategically Planning for Clarity, Confidence, and Energy.

Make sure you have listened to that first as that will explain the full process of how to strategically plan and the context behind each of the prompts and sections, this guide won’t go into that depth.

The podcast episode also shares powerful mindset reminders that will support you in following through on your plan so you move through the challenging phase without the overwhelm and action paralysis.

Listen on Apple
Listen on Spotify

Want to go further?

Want to set stronger more supportive boundaries in your life and work so you can lead with less burnout, overwhelm, and self-doubt? 

My boundaries workshop will give you the tools and steps to unlock more freedom, strengthen your relationships, cultivate self-respect, and achieve your goals and vision.

You’ll get access to a pre-recorded workshop and boundary communication examples. 

Get your access here