V.I.P Leaders

Become the Leader people actually want to follow.

A Leader focused on adding Value, making an Impact, and empowering People

Join the Interest list for 2025
Look, I know you...

Often feel overwhelmed by everything going on all of the time, making it hard to find the time or energy be the leader you want to be.

 Pride yourself on being great at what you do, but struggle with the unpredictable hard stuff like having hard conversations and giving feedback, what will people do?!

Want to help the people around you, but you end up doing it all, carrying too much, and not helping people take ownership for their own stuff.

Want to create spaces where people feel connected and supported, but sometimes struggle with addressing issues head on and building trusted influence to create change.

Sometimes find navigating a lot of emotions between people challenging, which holds you back from effectively influencing others and making a real impact. 

And what does all of this cause?

Missing out on being a great leader. Yup, self-doubt is a sneaky thing. It’s that voice in your head that keeps you small and keeps you from being the leader you want to be. This isn’t how it’s meant to be.

Feeling like you’re on autopilot. If you’re thinking “what’s the point?!” more often than not, that’s disconnection creeping in. This isn’t just about feeling blah—it’s about losing touch with your drive and purpose.

Riding the road to burnout. Here’s the deal, overworking doesn’t equal overachieving. It only leads to one place, burnout city. If you’re always running your battery low, hoping to get it all done, chances are you’re drowning instead of surfing.

Limiting your impact. When you’re not tackling the tough stuff, like giving clear feedback or setting boundaries, you’re not just holding yourself back. You’re also blocking the potential of your team. And honestly, that sucks for everyone.

Trust is tanking. If your team can't see you handling the hard conversations or making the tough calls, how can they lean on you? Trust is what keeps your team connected and engaged, and without it, things aren’t going anywhere good.

Stuck in the neutral. Without developing your leadership skills, think emotional intelligence, giving feedback, and nailing those tough conversations - you’re coasting. Leadership is about growth, both yours and your team’s.

Not only does all of this block your potential in your work, it stops you from being your best in life. How you lead yourself, is how you lead your life and your people.

This is where V.I.P Leaders come in!

V.I.P Leaders is designed for you if you lead people. Whether you’re a business owner, manager, teacher/principal, or sports coach.

If you lead, this is for you.

If you're emerging as a Leader, then jump in too.

You’ll learn and build the mindset, emotional, and coaching skills necessary to excel in leadership positions.

You’ll not only build the confidence and effectiveness needed for today’s leadership challenges but also the practical tools to build connection, drive change, and create lasting impact and success. Doesn't that sound great?!

Join the interest list for VIP leaders in 2025

For most of my career, I found myself burning out, tired, overworking and lacking self-confidence…

And I was not alone  (which is sad, isn't it).

I had all of the technical skills, capability, and work ethic, but it was the lack of leadership and mindset skills that held me back from being the Leader I always wanted to be and truthfully, really needed. (usually the case)

When I finally got my first people management role after 9 years (honestly, it should have only taken 5-7).

I had all of the technical expertise, but not enough confidence and courage in the actual Leadership stuff.

Knowing what I know now - I had the right foundation, I had the initiative, and the drive.

What I needed then was the coaching and guidance to build my confidence in the value I bring, strengthen my leadership skills (the soft/human skills), and get the support to step up, influence, and lead with courage.

That’s why I created V.I.P Leaders and why you're here reading it!  Right?!

Join the interest list for 2025


V.I.P Leaders is specifically designed for you, if you lead people and you want to do it so much better!

If you're emerging as a Leader, this you're in the best place too!

V.I.P Leaders is not just another leadership course - it’s actually an intentionally built programme that bridges the crucial gap between bad management and effective leadership. Yup, I said it.

Everything you learn here will make your everyday life so much better too.

You’ll be having courageous conversations with your partner or kids, building trust and influence to get things moving forward at home, and you’ll have more emotional intelligence that helps you read people and better respond to what’s going on - all of this = less relationship strains, good right?!

You will get the most out of this programme if you are:

Ready for Leadership

You’re established in your career or business and you have people looking to you for guidance. No matter the industry, position, context, or situation - if you want to be a better leader, this is for you.

Growth Oriented

You’re committed to building your leadership skills and closing critical gaps. You understand that growth involves challenging your limits and you’re ready for self-reflection and becoming better.

Change Driven

You aren’t here for the status quo. You want to lead people effectively and you are here to create it in a positive way, while making decisions that creates progress and results.


You’re here to build your skillset and capability and make a big difference. You want to step up, lead courageously, and create a lasting impact on the people around you.


This is not for you if you are:

You want quick changes and development without putting in the time or effort to learn and apply the tools and skills

You aren’t willing to do the self-reflection work to uncover mindset blocks or challenges that need to be worked through to scale to the next level of success

You want to rest on your technical or skills-based expertise and ride that out for the rest of your career without learning the human (soft) skills that will benefit you

You don’t want to leave a legacy of value and impact on the people you lead and connect with. If you’re not here to create something bigger than yourself, this isn’t for you.

After the programme, you'll walk away with: 

Strong Leadership Identity and Mindset

You will know who you are, what you stand for, and most importantly how to be the leader you want to be. You will know your values, strengths, how your mind works, and how to create an environment where not only you thrive, your people as well. When you know this, everything gets simpler.

Relationship and Influencing Skills

Learn exactly how to build trust with people and how to influence them in a way that works and gets people to want to move for you (not manipulation, FYI). Trust is critical in any relationship and what you learn here, you can use in every single relationship in your life.

Feedback & Courageous Conversations Confidence

You’ll get the exact frameworks, steps, and mindset shifts (the key) to give direct feedback and deal with issues head on. You’ll start fronting challenges with more courage and confidence and actually see the difference it makes. Less issues = more engagement and productivity.

Effective Coaching Skills

Coach anyone in less than 15mins with a simple and effective coaching framework, template, and 100+ coaching question bank. You’ll get exactly what you need to know how to shift your leadership style from directive to coach so you can create the best results. People do best when coached, not managed. 

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Regulation Skills

Learn how to read the room, be compassionate, and regulate your emotions so you can move through literally anything that comes your way. And help your people move through it all too. When your EQ is high, how you lead is powerful. It will make you impactful at work and at home, literally the secret sauce in the leadership recipe book.

Productivity and Success Planning Tools

Learn to structure your weeks for high productivity and impact so you say goodbye to overwhelm and burnout. The simple success planning method, will teach you how to prioritise and focus on what truly matters, keeping your energy high and focused on the right goals.


As a Value. Impact. People Leader, you will become a leader that:

Adds value in so many ways:

  • Through what you do every day - like what tasks are delegated and completed.
  • How you speak to your people - with clarity and kindness.
  • How you choose what’s right over what’s easy - like dealing with issues quickly, and;
  • Prioritise what’s important over what’s quick - like sticking to your values, not just leaving them as words.

Makes a bigger impact by:

  • How you influence your people - so they feel compelled and engaged to move for you.
  • Build trust in every interaction - so your team feels respected and seen, and;
  • Authentically connect with others to get things across the line, because hey - without that you’re not getting much done.

Empowers your people: 

  • Through coaching them to grow - not just telling them what to do, huge benefits!
  • Clear and direct feedback - feedback gets people to push for better and you’ll know how to do it well, and;
  • Supporting them through everything that comes up, no matter how challenging - because hey - life is challenging right now.
JOIN THE interest list for 2025

What you will receive as part of the programme:

  Fortnightly learning modules -
One module will be the focus each fortnight which gives plenty of time for learning, implementing, and practicing. You will receive personalised coaching feedback on each workbook.

  Weekly live coaching calls - Every week there is a live group coaching call where you will share, learn, practice scenarios, and connect with others in the group.

 Weekly call schedule - To see the weekly call schedule including call topics, days, times, and timezone, click here.

 A slack community - for discussion, experimentation, and coaching between calls to enhance learning and action taking, you're not alone and the power of community and accountability is priceless

 1 x 1:1 coaching call - with Tash to work through anything more specific to you so you can learn, develop, and confidently move forward.

Live coaching programmes over a number of weeks are extremely powerful. It adds an element of learning and application that is missed from 1-3 day conferences.

Being in community with others on the same path as you, across a period of time will sky rocket your learning and success like nothing else.

This is a programme you don't want to miss being in!

How you will feel when you finish V.I.P Leaders


You know who you are and want to be as a Leader and you will be powerfully guided by your values. You will be more self-assured in who you are by knowing your strengths, owning failures, and embracing vulnerability. 


You manage stress and navigate uncertainties with courage, ease, and calm. Using emotional regulation techniques you maintain clarity and calm even in high pressure situations, supporting others through your steadiness and reliability.


You build strong and trusting relationships with the people around you and you know how to effectively influence to get support and buy-in for the decisions and changes you need to make. 


You courageously show up as the Leader you really are, have challenging conversations, and support your people even when things feel hard. 


You know how to properly plan and structure your weeks for maximum impact and productivity. You set yourself up for success, focusing on what truly matters, and ensuring you have the energy and focus to lead with impact and effectively develop and support your people.


Join the interest list for 2025

If you're a company Manager, Leader or up and comer, this is how your org will benefit:

  • Increased engagement in the vision, strategy and purpose of the company through a supported development pathway in your Leadership journey.
  • Stronger foundation of trust, safety, and respect within teams led by committed and resilient leaders who are emotionally intelligent and know how to regulate their emotions.
  • Increased team satisfaction, connection, and collaboration from working with a Leader who has the skills to coach, have courageous conversations, and give effective feedback.
  • Higher productivity and efficiency in delivering work due to proper success planning, clear priorities, and solid confidence in their skills and capabilities
  • Decreased leave and absenteeism by effectively supporting Leaders in how they manage themselves, their workloads, and their teams. Especially through challenging times.
  • Increased innovation, collaboration, and learning due to a forward focused Leadership mindset and strong coaching skills, and the courage to give empowering feedback.

No matter the context in which you lead, every single person around you will benefit from what you learn. This is for business owners, managers, coaches, teachers!

If you’re ready to develop your leadership skills, build influence, and create success with integrity, V.I.P Leaders is exactly right for you.

Ready to become a V.I.P Leader?

Of course you are! 

The next round is in 2025. Register you interest below.


What people say about working with Tash:

Coaching with Tash has been invaluable for my personal and professional life. I started with Tash as a very fresh leader and lacked confidence in leading my team, which led to a lack of clarity across the board. Tash helped me work through some blockages around what was and wasn't in my control, which helped me determine what I would then pass on to my team.

I went to Tash thinking that leadership wasn't for me and I would never do it again but now I have moved organisations into another leadership role! I can already feel that I'm approaching this time differently and have been able to approach it with a much calmer mindset.

Emma, Operations Lead

 "I connected with Tash when I was struggling with the juggle of life. I have 2 young kids and was trying to grow my career after taking maternity leave and was have difficulty finding the right balance. I was feeling overworked, overwhelmed and like I was failing.

Tash was fantastic, she listened and heard my frustrations and provided tools for me to take ownership and control of my situation.

12 months on I comfortably prioritise what is important to me, am confident in my own abilities, courageously speak up when I feel the need and show up every day as my best self! Thanks Tash!!"

Cols, HR Manager


The V.I.P Leaders’ Difference with Tash Pieterse

Hi, I’m Tash Pieterse. An Internationally Certified People Leadership Coach with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management majoring in Human Resources and Strategic Management, Dare to Lead Trained, and have a Diploma in Positive Psychology. I've got the papers ;)

In addition to University - I have a 13+ year corporate career in Human Resources that spanned across public, private and membership organisations. I have also built a thriving coaching practice since 2019.

Not only from my own overwhelming, exhausting, and self-doubt filled experience navigating my career up to People & Performance Manager - I have been coaching professionals and seeing the gaps in the essential skills senior and emerging leaders are lacking, which needs to change.

I have taken everything from my career and what I’ve learned coaching my private clients and pulled it together into this practical, transformational and results driven coaching programme.

I also bring the realities of a full life being a wife, mother to a toddler son, and practicing my own leadership mindset and boundaries to my coaching work which helps me see each person for where they are and empower them from there.

I believe every single person has everything they need to BE the leader they really want to be - it’s my mission and job to help them uncover it and step fully into it.

"I approached Tash for support and coaching after realising just how overwhelmed and stuck I felt. It surfaced in all parts of my life and no matter how much effort I was putting in, I was struggling to feel good about what I was doing and how I was showing up.

Working with Tash has been a life-giving gift. Not only did she provide practical things I could implement in my busy life, but she created a space where I could challenge a lot of my thinking and beliefs, supported me as I worked to shift them, while feeling safe and empowered to do so.

It never felt rigid or forced - the way she could be her genuine self and somehow layer that with technical expertise made it such an empowering, impactful, yet fun experience.

Her coaching and support has helped me to build a daily mindset that is more gracious, kind, curious, and believing. And because of that, I find myself approaching situations, especially hard things, with a more grounded confidence that is resilient and brave.

I would 1000% recommend Tash to anyone who wants to feel genuinely supported in making some challenging mindset shifts and building deeper self-confidence!"

Michelle, People Experience Lead

V.I.P Leaders is intentionally designed to empower you to embody the three pillars of effective leadership - vision, impact, people.

This programme will help you excel in leadership roles with confidence, clarity, and courage, enabling you to build a legacy of leadership that people want to follow.

Even if you're not leading people formally - this programme will give you want you need to Lead in any situation.

I am committed to your success and won’t stop until everyone becomes a V.I.P Leader! 

Are you ready to become the best Leader? Join V.I.P Leaders now and let’s go!

The next round of VIP Leaders is in 2025.

The programme will run for 12 weeks from the start date. This includes a Welcome Call before the programme officially starts.

Don't be late in registering and if you need to get funding from your organisation, get started right now. You can email Tash at [email protected] to request a programme overview for your PD application.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Here are a list of questions that you might have about V.I.P Leaders before you decide to join.

If you want to talk to Tash, the Head Coach to better decide if it's the best fit for you - you are welcome to book a no obligation call with her to talk about it before you make your decision.

You can book a call below.

Book a call to talk more before deciding