EP4. The Mindset Reset: Rewiring Your Thinking for Positive Change

Your thinking has a BIG impact on your feelings and your actions, which then flows into the experience you’re having day to day in your life.

Being intentional with your mind and ensuring that it works FOR you, is key to being your best and creating a successful feeling life.

In this episode, I talk about rewiring your Mindset and the 3 C’s Framework that everyone can adopt straight away for positive change.

You will also learn about:

  • What mindset is and how it was created
  • How your mindset shows up later in life
  • Why it’s important to notice how you react to situations
  • How your body tells you that your thoughts aren’t helpful
  • What it means when you feel “resistance”
  • Questions to ask yourself when challenging your mindset
  • How to grow your mindset and move forward with momentum

Let me know what you think about the framework and what you start noticing if you put it in practice.



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Connect with Tash and let her know what you think!

Website: tashpieterse.com

Instagram: @tash_pieterse

LinkedIn: tashpieterse